
Lice Treatment Center® Services in Schools

When children return to the classroom in the Fall or after vacation, they might unwittingly bring with them some rather despicable creatures – pediculosis or head lice.

Lice Treatment Center® understands the urgency of a school infestation and has an entire team of LTC-Trained technicians who can arrive on-site and evaluate the level of infestation. We act empathetically and reassuringly to screen the children and will provide parents with a treatment plan that involves information about head lice removal and what products should be applied. For residential schools, we can also provide on-site removal upon request.

When a head lice infestation occurs, it’s important to take action as quickly as possible. A single adult female louse can lay up to eight eggs (called nits) per day that get cemented to children’s hair shafts. Multiply these by dozens of lice that can quickly crawl from head to head, and you get a sense of how contagious head lice are.

Our products are formulated with safe and non-toxic ingredients. The active ingredients in the products are natural, essential oils most effective on the market. Our professional technicians also provide families with instructions for proper follow-up and care of home environments following lice removal.

Click here for Treatment Steps Following LTC Lice Removal.

Click here for Treatment Steps for Home Furnishings.

LTC’s Lice Insurance Program

For administrators interested in being proactive in lice prevention, we have a School Lice Insurance™ Program that includes provision of quarterly on-site lice checks to ensure students remain lice-free. The inspections help confirm that head lice isn’t being brought back into classrooms following seasonal vacations.

Click here to find out more about LTC’s School Lice Insurance® Program.

If you have a lice emergency, call (888) LICE-AWAY or 888.542-3292 for assistance.