The Facts of Lice
What you need to know about head lice
Head Lice Facts
If you have school-aged children, head lice are a fact of life. Important things to know about head lice:
• There an estimated 6 million to 12 million cases of lice per year in children ages 3 to 11 years; the numbers are
significantly greater if we count all the affected adults and teens in families, schools and camps;
• Lice are most commonly spread from head to head; cleanliness has nothing to do with getting a case of head lice;
• Sharing hats, combs, brushes, helmets and other personal gear is one of the easiest ways to contract head lice; Head lice can occur any time of year. -
Symptoms and Signs of Lice Infestations
• Mild cases of head lice are difficult to detect so the hair must be very carefully checked.
• An increase in itching or tickly feeling in hair or scalp
• Red sores on scalp, particularly behind the ears and at the nape of neck
• Sleeplessness at night...lice may disturb a child’s sleep
• Appearance of LIVE LICE in the hair or nits (or eggs) attached to hair shafts.
• You may not see live bugs unless there is a severe infestation because they move so quickly, often hiding under the
hair shafts making them difficult to detect. -
Detecting Lice
Lice are most easily detected by finding nits (or eggs) attached to the hair shaft;
• Nits are glued to the hair shaft, are about the size of a poppy seed and range in color from white to brown depending on the color of the hair;
• Dandruff and other scalp conditions may look similar but, unlike nits, dandruff is easily removed from the hair;
• Nits, on the other hand, are solidly attached and must be removed by pulling each nit the length of the hair shaft to
remove. -
Treating a Lice Infestation: The Process
There is no need to use harsh chemicals to treat head lice, you can use all-natural, non-toxic products to kill the bugs;
• But, the only way to get rid of lice completely is to manually remove all the eggs from the head. This is a difficult and tedious task.Most people prefer to get professional help.
• Call the Lice Treatment Center and have a professional, pediatrician trained technician come to your home and
meticulously remove all lice and nits from an infested head.
Get in contact with us now.
Lice Prevention Tips
✓ Educate Your Kids About Lice
✓ Check Your Kids Regularly For Lice
✓ Avoid "head-to-head" contact during sports and playtime;
✓ Don't borrow or share personal items that contact the head, including combs, brushes, hats, scarves, sporting helmets, hair ties, head bands, etc.;
✓ If someone you know is infested, avoid lying on their furniture, pillows or sleeping bags.
✓ Wear hair up and tight in a bun, pony tail or braids. -
Natural, Non-Toxic Ingredient Products by LTC®
What is Pyrethrin?
Pyrethrin and its synthetic form, permethrin, are common chemicals in over-the-counter lice treatments. Although derived from chrysanthemums, they are toxic and can harm children.We offer natural alternatives to these toxic products, especially as 'super lice' become resistant to traditional treatments, combining nit-picking with effective natural solutions.
For more information or to schedule an appointment to help with your head lice
Call (888) LICE-AWAY or 888-542-3292 for assistance.